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Whenever we are experiencing a moment of difficulty, how we relate to that moment can impact the intensity of our suffering. If we are harsh with ourselves and speak to ourselves with criticism, the initial difficulty magnifies. If we can offer ourselves self-compassion, we don't take away the pain completely, but we do soften how we relate to it. Dr. Kristin Neff offers these three steps for a brief self-compassion break in the midst of challenge. 

1. Name the feeling with as much detail and curiosity as you can, including the physical sensations of the feeling.

2. Remind yourself that this is part of the human experience and every human alive will feel this way at some time or another

3. Offer kindness, ask yourself what you would say to a loved one who was having this experience. 

Psychologist Session


We often hear take a deep breath when we are feeling overwhelmed. To calm the nervous system and give cues for safety, breathing is an important stabilizer. When we are in distress, breathing can become tight or shallow and so a deep inhale can help. What makes a bigger difference to our ability to come into a state of calm, a long exhale is going to help the body settle into a sense of safety. However long your inhale is, stretch your exhale out to double that length and repeat for three breaths.

Supportive Friend
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